Welcome to Thinking Upward

Welcome to Thinking Upward

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If we think of life as a journey through which we walk, we realize that at times we stumble along the path and even fall. We bleed, we bruise, we hurt. But we can choose to keep getting up, each time and every time or remain down and wait for the walk to end while staying still. I recall learning that the body follows where the head goes and the head follows the gaze. Our gaze reveals our thoughts and our thoughts shape our very being. So if we keep our thoughts ever upward, ever growing, ever further along the path of growth we will still stumble and fall but will do so less. When we do we will arise stronger and wiser than when we fell. It is my hope to share some of these thoughts with you in your journey so that together we may continue to think and therefor keep our gaze upward.

Wishing you all the best,

Andy Bazakis